Thursday, July 16, 2009

i spent 8 hours today getting owned by a programming bug.

haha, so round my neighborhood, theres this little chubby kid who skateboards up and down the cul-de-sac literally all day, like everyday. so today, as i got out of my car after getting off work, this skateboarding kid (who i almost struck with my car literally seconds earlier), comes up to me and is like "hey mister, didnt you used to skateboard?" (referring back to my failed attempt to become the asian tony hawk circa freshman year of highschool).

so there i am, lookin at this kid (who is like 2 feet shorter than me, super chubby, and just called me mister) and im like, "yeah, dude" ("yeah" because i did, and "dude" because he needed to be taught about the skateboarding way of life, ahaha). anyways, he proceeds to asks me how to do a kickflip and after i try to teach him, he was like, "yeah, i used to watch you skateboard when i was little and i just started." at that moment there i thought, yoooo i changed this kids life, haha. its like the butterfly effect where if instead of skateboarding outside my driveway, i did crystal meth, this kid would be a complete crackhead, haha. seriously though, i think its cool that random stuff we do affects others around us, either subconsciously or otherwise, even if we don't intend for it to. its pretty cool to think about and hopefully this post will change your life somehow, like inspire you to stop reading blog posts (or just mine) because of how poorly crafted these sentences are.

ps for the record, i told this kid (who i later found out goes by michael) to "stay in school, dont do drugs, and shoot for the stars". feel free to nominate me for the nobel peace prize whenever you get the chance.


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