Thursday, March 4, 2010

the day is mine.

this is a long epic story of failure. it will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and it might give you gas, but mostly it will make you want to want to never read this blog again.

so yesterday part of my thesis (my lit review on 15 of the most boring sources ever written- im talkin 500 page books about the history of the bicycle) was due in my 5-6:15pm class. I finished it a couple days back and printed it out and so i was ready to turn it in. i love dropping a thick paper onto a professor's desk and hearing that *plop* sound. its like, "yeah, you hear that? each decibel represents 5 hours of sleep lost and 1 hour of me thinking about slapping you in the face."

haha so anyways, i get to class and i realize my english binder isnt in my backpack. and so im like, "dak;lfj;laksjdf;as" <-direct quote. since im mad tight with my professor, i go up to him and talk him into letting me turn it in after class.

so after class, i run over to stacks to print out my essay and turn it in (his office is right behind stacks).

when i get there i turn on the computer, open up my email, open up the attachment and hit "print". i go over to the printer and right after i swipe my cav ad and lose 64 cents, i realize the printer is non-stop excrementing blank white pages. so im like, "aunt jemima" <- also a direct quote. being the genius i am, i run over to the capstone lab (across eschool) and decide to print it out there, then come back and turn it in.

i get to the lab, print it out and after page 3, it stops printing because its OUT OF WHITE PAPER. so im like "WHWHTTwe;lkkja;lwekjf IRONY PWNNN". so this scene is perfect because at the exact moment after i hang my head down in utter dejection, i shed one single tear because im standing under the air duct and its blowing into my face, and im like, dang, as upsetting as this is, this is mad poignant, haha. so to finish out this horrible story, i run back to stacks, grab a couple pages of blank white paper from the nice pile thats formed since i left, go back to the lab, finish printing my paper, then run back to stacks and turn it in under his office.

my life makes the notebook look like a family circus cartoon.

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