Friday, May 21, 2010

my day just made your day look like cspan2

i woke up today around 9am, crushed some special k fruit n yogurt, finished laundry and went to asian fusion (always satisfying). got home and drank 934582435 glasses of water. shortly after, i went to the gym to work out, then shot around after i could no longer lift my arms. this was a bad idea. i got challenged by this white guy to one-on-one, and for having really sore arm muscles, i was doing okay at first.. until that kid realized he could dunk. yeah so stupid.

so right after that i left afc (sans dignity), i picked up a "mango something something blast" smoothie from smoothie king with my roommate (buy one get one free coupon). sometimes i wonder why smoothie flavors are so much more in your face than regular beverages. theyre all like "strawberry kiwi explosion" or "banana berry blast". its like, whoa, whoa, calm down. i just want a drink, not fourth of july fireworks.

anyways, after that, we went rock climbing at this joint downtown. it was tighttt (esp. the butt harness, haha). so it was my first time and im mildly terrified of heights but it was awesome. its sort of like snowboarding in how once you get used to it, you get desensitized to the danger and become more and more reckless. for instance, towards the end, id just jump off to see if my roommate was still paying attention while holding the safety cable. we climbed until we could no longer feel our hands.

then we went to chipotle. i downed a steak burrito bowl and immediately after, we went to the afc pool (yeah, good ideas all around). i suck at swimming. like really really suck. i tried to swim a lap but came to a critical life decision that if i were to ever get stuck in a swim or die situation, id choose die in a heartbeat. after this realization, i went to the hot tub to get mad wrinkly. once raisined, i went to the sauna cause i wanted to feel sophisticated, but honestly, i have no idea what the purpose of a sauna is. i decided to leave once i started questioning whether the water dripping down my back was water or sweat.

my muscles are obliterated right now. tennis in 15. if i die, ill die like i was born.. awesome and beautiful, ahahah.

1 comment:

  1. could totally hear your voice in my head as i read this...creepy. i miss these ridiculous chengplane quotables [esp. stuff like the last sentence, LOL]
    CONGRATS on graduating, btw!!!!
